Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Xamarin
Câu hỏi

Which Languages are supported for Xamarin development?

Câu trả lời

Xamarin development primarily supports the following languages:

  1. C#: This is the main language used for Xamarin development. Xamarin allows developers to write their applications in C#, which can then be compiled into native code for both iOS and Android platforms. C# is a mature language with strong typing and a rich set of features, including support for asynchronous programming, LINQ, and more[1][6].

  2. F#: Although less commonly used than C#, F# is also supported for Xamarin development. F# is a functional-first language that can be used to write cross-platform mobile applications with Xamarin[6].

  3. Visual Basic: Visual Basic is another language supported by Xamarin, though it is not as widely used as C# for mobile development. It provides an alternative for developers who are more comf...



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