Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Linked Lists
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Why does linked list delete and insert operation have complexity of O(1) ?

Câu trả lời

The complexity of delete and insert operations in a linked list can be $$O(1)$$ under specific conditions. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Insertion in a Linked List

  1. Insertion at the Head:

    • When inserting a new node at the beginning of the list, the operation is straightforward. You simply adjust the pointers:
      java Copy
      newNode.next = head;
      head = newNode;
    • This operation does not require any traversal of the list, making it $$O(1)$$ [6].
  2. Insertion at the Tail:

    • If you maintain a reference to the tail node, inserting at the end of the list is also $$O(1)$$. You just need to update the next pointer of the current tail and then update the tail reference:
      java Copy
      tail.next = newNode;
      tail = newNode;
    • This avoids the need to traverse the list to find the last node, ensuring constant time complexity [5].
  3. Insertion at a Given Position:

    • If you already have a reference to the node after which you want to insert the new node, the insertion is $$O(1)$$. You only need to adjust a couple of pointers:
      java Copy
      newNode.next = currentNode.next;
      currentNode.next = newNode;
    • This operation does not involve any traversal, making it constant time [3].

Deletion in a Linked List

  1. Deletion of the Head Node:

    • Deleting the first node is a simple operation where you just update the head pointer to the next node:
      java Copy
      head = head.next;
    • This operation is $$O(1)$$ because it does not require any traversal [6].
  2. Deletion of a Given Node:

    • If you have a reference to the node to be deleted (and it is not the tail), you can perform the deletion in $$O(1)$$ by copying the data from the next node to the current node and then bypassing the next node:
      java Copy
      nodeToDelete.data = nodeToDelete.next.data;
      nodeToDelete.next = nodeToDelete.next.next;
    • This effectively ...


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