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Why is Spring MVC bette...

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Spring MVC is considered better than Servlets and JSP for several reasons, primarily due to its comprehensive framework capabilities that simplify the development of complex web applications. Here are the key advantages of using Spring MVC over Servlets and JSP:

1. High-Level Abstraction

Spring MVC provides a high-level abstraction for common web development patterns, integrating seamlessly with the Spring ecosystem. This abstraction simplifies handling user requests by using controllers that delegate business processing to service layers, which is more complex to implement effectively with Servlets and JSP alone[2].

2. Comprehensive MVC Support

Spring MVC is a robust implementation of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. It clearly separates the roles of model, view, and controller, making the code more modular, easier to maintain, and better organized compared to the combined approach often used in Servlets and JSP where business and presentation logic can become entangled[2][8].

3. Easier Configuration and Annotations

Spring MVC supports configuration through annotations and Java-based configuration, reducing the need for XML configuration that is common in traditional Servlets and JSP applications. This annotation-driven approach makes Spring MVC applications easier to configure and develop[2][9].

4. Powerful Data Binding and Validation

Spring MVC provides powerful data binding capabilities, automatically populating model objects from request parameters, and supporting data validation through annotations. This is more cumbersome to achieve with Servlets and JSP, where manual parsing and validation of request data are typically required[2][10].

5. Better Integration with Other Technologies

Spring MVC integrates seamlessly with other technologies and frameworks in the Spring ecosystem, such as Spring Security, Spring Data, and Spring Boot. This integration facilitates the development of secure, data-driven applications and microservices with minimal configuration[2][19].

6. Built-in Internationalization Support

Spring MVC has built-in support for internationalization (i18n), allowing for the easy development of applications that support multiple languages and regions. While possible in Servlets and JSP, it requires additional configuration and coding[17].

7. Flexible View Resolution

Spring MVC supports various view technologies, including JSP, Thymeleaf, and FreeMarker, and provides a flexible view resolution architecture. This flexibility allows developers to use the most appropriate rendering technology for their application's needs[2][10].

8. Asynchronous Processing

Spring ...



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