Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Reactjs
Câu hỏi

Are you familiar with Flux in the context of React?

Câu trả lời

Yes, I am familiar with Flux in the context of React. Flux is a design pattern introduced by Facebook for building client-side web applications, particularly to enhance the capabilities of React by providing a more structured and predictable way of managing data flow in applications.

Flux is characterized by a unidirectional data flow, which simplifies the control of data and the interactions between components in large applications. In the Flux architecture, data follows a single-direction flow through four main parts: actions, dispatcher, stores, and views (React components).

  1. Actions - These are simple objects containing new data and a type property. They represent the payload of information that sends data from the application to the Flux system.

  2. Dispatcher - This acts as a central hub for all data flow in a Flux application. It is essentially a registry of callbacks into the stores and doesn't contain any logic itself. All stores register with the dispatcher and receive actions through these callbacks.

  3. Stores - Stores hold the state of the application and the logic surrounding it. They manage the state that is relevant to a particular part of the application. When a store receives an action from the dispatcher, it updates itself accordingly and emits a change ...



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