6304 câu hỏi phỏng vấn Full-Stack, Coding & System Design Interview
Bộ lọc:
How would you write an inline style in React?
How does React work?
What are the major features of ReactJS?
What are React Hooks?
What is Context API in ReactJS?
What is the use of refs ?
What is React?
What are props in React?
What are the advantages of ReactJS?
What are the advantages of using React?
What is useState() in React?
How to access DOM elements in React?
What is the difference between a Presentational component and a Container component?
What is the difference between state and props ?
What are inline conditional expressions in ReactJS?
How to create refs in React?
What are Controlled components in ReactJS?
What are the differences between a Class component and Functional component?
What is the difference between Element and Component in ReactJS?
What is the purpose of callback function as an argument of setState ?
What happens when you call setState ?
When rendering a list what is a key and what is it's purpose?
What does it mean for a component to be mounted in React
What are Higher-Order Components (HOC) in React?
What are Stateful components in React?
How is React different from AngularJS (1.x)?
What's the difference between a Controlled component and an Uncontrolled one in React?
What is the purpose of using super constructor with props argument in React?
What is state in React?
What are portals in React and when do we need them?
How to call loading function with React useEffect only once?
What are refs used for in React?
What is Reconciliation in ReactJS?
What is the difference between Component and Container in Redux?
What are the limitations of React?
What are advantages of using React Hooks?
What happens during the lifecycle of a React component?
What are two types of components in ReactJS?
What are Fragments in React?
What is {this.props.children} and when you should use it?
What's the difference between an Element and a Component in React?
What are the different phases of ReactJS component lifecycle?
Why React uses className over class attribute?
What is prop drilling and how can you avoid it?
What is Components Composition in React?
What does shouldComponentUpdate do and why is it important?
How to bind methods or event handlers in JSX callbacks?
What is the difference between ShadowDOM and VirtualDOM?
What are the lifecycle methods of ReactJS class components?
What is the difference between createElement and cloneElement ?
What is the significance of key s in ReactJS?
What's the typical pattern for rendering a list of components from an array in React?
Why we should not update state directly?
What are forward refs ?
What is children prop ?
Why do class methods need to be bound to a class instance?
How would you pass data from child to parent component in React?
Do React Hooks cover all use cases for class components?
What is the point of shouldComponentUpdate() method?
What does Batching mean in ReactJS?
How can I make use of Error Boundaries in functional React components?
How would you prevent a component from rendering in React?
Name the different lifecycle methods for a class components
Are you familiar with Flux in the context of React?
What are Pure Components?
What would be the common mistake of function being called every time the component renders?
What's the difference between useRef and createRef ?
What is StrictMode in React?
What's the typical flow of data like in a React + Redux app?
When would you use useRef ?
What are Stateless components in React?
What are some limitations of things you shouldn't do in the component's render method in React?
What is the difference between HTML and React event handling?
What are Uncontrolled components?
What's wrong with using Context in React?
Which lifecycle methods of class component is replaced by useEffect in functional component?
Compare useState and useReducer implementations
What are Error Boundaries in ReactJS?
What is Key and benefit of using it in lists?
What do these three dots ( ... ) in React do?
What are the advantages of Batching in ReactJS?
What is Lifting State Up in ReactJS?
Why would you need to bin...
When shall we use useRe...
How to conditionally add att...
What is difference between Inc...
When would you use f...
What's a Pure Function...
When would you use Stric...
When to use useSta...
Describe how events ...
Why does React use...
How to apply validatio...
What is the difference between using c...
When is it important to pass...
How would you store non-state/instance v...
What's the difference between useCallback and useMemo in practice?W...
Explain the Virtual ...
What is the purpos...
How to create Props Pr...
Does React re-render all components and su...
Explain why and when wo...
Why doesn't this.pro...
What is the second argument that can optionally...
When to use useCallback ...
Describe F...
What's the difference between use...
How would you go about investigatin...
Can you force a React component to ...
How to avoid the need...
What is the order of useInsertionEffect , useEffect...
What is the key architectural difference between a JavaScript l...
How does React renderer work e...
What is Re...
Explain some difference between ...
What is a Pu...
How to use R...
Can a custom Reac...