6304 câu hỏi phỏng vấn Full-Stack, Coding & System Design Interview
Bộ lọc:
What npm is used for?
What are the benefits of using Node.js?
What is Callback?
Why does Node.js prefer Error-First Callback?
What do you mean by Asynchronous API?
What is the difference between returning a callback and just calling a callback?
What's the difference between process.cwd() vs __dirname ?
What is libuv ?
Explain the difference between local and global npm packages installation
What is the file package.json ?
What does Promisifying technique mean in Node.js?
What are the key features of Node.js?
Name some Built-in Globals in Node.js
Why we always require modules at the top of a file? Can we require modules inside of functions?
What is V8?
What is a Blocking Code in Node.js?
How does concurrency work in Node.js?
Explain the order of Event Listeners execution in Node.js
What is the meaning of the @ prefix on npm package?
What Are Buffer and why to use them in Node.js?
What are the use cases for the Node.js vm core module?
How do you debug Node.js applications?
Provide your favourite reasons to use Node.js
Provide some of the reasons not to use Node.js
What is the difference between browser global scope and Node.js global scope?
What is the difference between cluster and worker_threads packages in Node.js?
When should I use EventEmitter ?
What is Event Loop in Node.jsWhat is Event Loop in Node.js??
What is difference between synchronous and asynchronous method of fs module?
What is the difference between require(x) and ES6 import x in Node.js?
What is the purpose of using assert module in Node.js
What are express.json() and express.urlencoded() in Express.js?
When should we use Node.js?
Explain the concept of Domain in Node.js
When would you use global variables in Node.js? Are they always bad?
Explain how does Node.js work?
What is the difference between setTimeout(fn,0) vs setImmediate(fn) ?
How do I run a Node.js app as a background service?
When would you use cluster module in Node.js?
What is Mocha in Node.js userland?
How to use global variable in Node.js?
What is the preferred method of resolving unhandled exceptions in Node.js?
What is stream and what are types of streams available in Node.js?
How does Node.js handle Child Threads?
What's the Event Loop?
How to avoid Callback Hell in Node.js?
What is N-API in Node.js?
What is the relationship between Node.js and V8?
Which one is better: Node.js built in cluster or PM2 clustering?
Would you use Node.js assert library vs. other assert libraries like chai ? Why?
What is chai and chai-http in Node.js userland?
What is Stream Chaining in Node.js?
What is the purpose of pm2 save ?
What exactly does module.exports do in Node.js, and what would a simple example be?
Is there any difference between res.send and return res.send in Express.js?
Could we run an external process with Node.js?
Are you familiar with differences between Node.js modules and ES6 modules?
Is it possible to u...
How can you have one global variable be...
When to use Synchronous vs A...
List some differences between CommonJS m...
Can Node.js wo...
What are async functions in ...
Compare strict vs legacy mode...
Do I need Dependency Injection in...
How the V8 e...
How does the Cluster module work? What’s th...
How to gracefully shu...
Does Node.js support multi-core platforms? A...
What are the Timing ...
What is **Pip...
Is Node.js entirely ba...
When not to ...
What is LTS releases of No...
What is the purpose of __fi...
How would you handle errors...
What's the difference between dependencies, devDepe...
Explain usag...
What is the difference between...
What is the difference between the child_process spawn ...
What is the difference betwee...
Explain what is Arran...
Is an Event Emitter sync...
Why to use Buffer instead of bina...
Compare PM2 Cluster Mode vs....
How to solve Process out of ...
What is V8...
How V8 compiles...
How would you implement process communica...
Why should you separate...
How would you scal...
What is the difference between cluster.f...
What is the difference between **proces...
How many threads does...
Does the cluster in Node.j...
Explain what is React...
Can Node.js use oth...
Explain some Error Handling approaches in No...
How does libuv wo...
Why Node.js devs tend to lean towards the...
What is the purpose of us...
Why do we need C++...
What's the difference between pm2 a...