Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Nodejs
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Are you familiar with differences between Node.js modules and ES6 modules?

Câu trả lời

Yes, I am familiar with the differences between Node.js modules, which typically use the CommonJS format, and ES6 modules. Here's a detailed comparison of the two:

CommonJS Modules

  • Loading Mechanism: CommonJS modules use a synchronous loading mechanism, which is well-suited for server-side applications where modules are loaded from the local filesystem.
  • Syntax: Modules are imported using the require() function and exported using module.exports or exports. For example:
    const moduleA = require('moduleA');
    module.exports = function() { ... };
  • Execution: When a module is required, Node.js executes the entire module and caches it. Subsequent calls to require() for the same module will not cause the module to be executed again; instead, the cached module is used.
  • Environment: Primarily designed for server-side use in Node.js.

ES6 Modules

  • Loading Mechanism: ES6 modules use an asynchronous loading mechanism, which can be more efficient for loading modules over the network, such as in web browsers.
  • Syntax: Modules are imported using the import statement and exported using the export statement. This syntax is more declarative and easier to understand. For example:
    import { moduleA } from './moduleA';
    export function myFunction() { ... };
  • Execution: ES6 modules are statically analyzed by the JavaScript engine, allowing for tree-shaking (eliminating unused exports) and other optimizations.
  • Environment: ES6 modules are supported in modern web browsers and increasingly in Node.js (from version 8.5.0 with the `--expe...


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