6304 câu hỏi phỏng vấn Full-Stack, Coding & System Design Interview
Bộ lọc:
List some benefits of using React Native for building mobile apps?
What are native apps?
What are the advantages of hybrid apps over native apps?
What are hybrid apps?
What is React Native?
Why do we use curly brace while importing some library?
What are components?
How is React Native different from ReactJs?
What are Refs used for in React Native?
What are props in React Native?
When would you use ScrollView over FlatList or vice-versa?
What are some ways of styling a react native component?
What is JSX?
What does the Gesture Responder System do?
What determines the size of a component and what are the ways?
How do you dismiss the keyboard in react native?
What are the types of data that control a component?
Will this piece of code work?
Tell us some options of storing persisting data in a react native app?
What are the advantages of native apps over hybrid apps?
What is flex dimension and how is it different from fixed dimension?
How is flexbox different in React Native and browser?
How do you perform logging in React native?
What is "autolinking" in react-native?
How do you style a component in react native?
How do you re-render a FlatList?
What does TouchableHighlight do and when do you use it?
What is "Fast Refresh"?
What happens if you edit a module that only exports React components in Fast Refresh?
What is the use of ScrollView component?
Explain the use of Flexbox in React Native?
How are Hot Reloading and Live Reloading in React Native different?
What is State in react native?
What are Touchable Interactions in React Native?
What does StyleSheet.create do and why is it useful?
What are some features of Fast Refresh?
What happens if you edit modules with exports that aren't React components in Fast Refresh?
What are some best practices to consider for an action?
How are props and state different?
What is View and how important is it?
What is the use of FlatList?
In Fast Refresh, what will happen if you edit files imported by modules outside of the React Tree?
What is Lifting State Up?
What is AppRegistry? Why is it required early in "require" sequence?
What is Component Dri...
What are some limitations of using react...
What are features of prese...
Are libraries such as TypeScript that compil...
State the lifecycle of G...
How would you implemen...
What is AsyncStorage ...
What are the features of C...
What are Containe...
What are Presentatio...
What does React Native Packa...
What are some advantages of ...
What is Higher Orde...
How many threads run i...
Does React Native compile Jav...
What JavaScript engine...
Differentiate Scrol...
Does React Native ...
What is wrong with this cod...
What are some benefits of Con...
What are the disadvantag...
What is Fabric ...
How is Interaction...
How does the Fabric...
What is InteractionMana...