Câu hỏi phỏng vấn React Native
Câu hỏi

What JavaScript engine...

Câu trả lời

React Native uses different JavaScript engines depending on the platform and the version of React Native being used.

  1. JavaScriptCore (JSC): Historically, React Native used JavaScriptCore, the JavaScript engine that powers Safari, for both iOS and Android platforms. On iOS, JavaScriptCore is provided by the iOS platform, while on Android, it is bundled with the application[1][3][4].

  2. V8: When debugging with Chrome, React Native uses the V8 engine, which is the same engine used in Google Chrome. This can lead to inconsistencies between normal and debugging behavior[2][3].

  3. Hermes: With the release of React Native 0.70, Hermes became the default JavaScript engine for React Native. Hermes is an open-source JavaScript engine optimized for mobile applications, providing benefits such as improved start-up time, d...



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