Câu hỏi phỏng vấn React Native
Câu hỏi

Does React Native compile Jav...

Câu trả lời

React Native does not compile JavaScript into Java for Android. Instead, React Native uses a "bridge" to facilitate communication between JavaScript and native components. Here’s a detailed explanation:

How React Native Works

  1. JavaScript Execution:

    • The JavaScript code you write in React Native is executed by a JavaScript engine, such as JavaScriptCore on iOS or Hermes on Android. This code is not directly converted into Java or any other native language[1][2][3].
  2. Bridge Mechanism:

    • React Native uses a bridge to communicate between the JavaScript code and the native components. This bridge allows the JavaScript code to invoke native modules and vice versa. For example, when you create a button in React Native, the JavaScript code communicates with the native UI components through this bridge[1][3].
  3. Native Modules:

    • If you need to implement performance-critical features, you can write native modules in Java (for Android) or Objective-C/Swift (for iOS). These native modules can then be invoked from JavaScript, but the JavaScript itself is not converted into Java[3][5].
  4. UI Components:

    • The UI components in React Native are mapped to their native counterparts. For instance, a <Button> component in React Native will be rendered as a native button on both Android and iOS. This mapping is handled internally by React Native[6].

Integration with Existing Apps

When integrating React Nati...



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