6304 câu hỏi phỏng vấn Full-Stack, Coding & System Design Interview
Bộ lọc:
How to call base class constructor from child class in TypeScript?
How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?
What is TypeScript and why would I use it in place of JavaScript?
Do we need to compile TypeScript files and why?
What are Modules in Typescript?
What is TypeScript and why one should use it?
List the built-in types in Typescript
What is TypeScript and why do we need it?
What is the difference between .ts and .tsx extensions in TypeScript?
Explain generics in TypeScript
What are the benefits of TypeScript?
When to use interfaces and when to use classes in TypeScript?
Which object oriented terms are supported by TypeScript?
What is Interface in TypeScript?
What is getters/setters in TypeScript?
How to implement class constants in TypeScript?
Could we use TypeScript on backend and how?
What is a TypeScript Map file?
How can we use optional chaining in TypeScript?
What are assertion functions?
How to make Arrays that can only be read, TypeScript?
What is the difference between types String and string in TypeScript?
What is Type Erasure in TypeScript?
How do we create an enum with string values?
What is the difference between Classes and Interfaces in Typescript?
What is Decorators in TypeScript?
What are the difference beetween Typescript and JavaScript?
How could you check null and undefined in TypeScript?
Describe what are conditional types in TypeScript?
What does the pipe, | mean in TypeScript?
What is Optional Chaining in TypeScript?
What is the purpose of Nullish Coalescing operator?
Which access modifiers are implied when not specified?
Does TypeScript support all object oriented principles?
What is the default access modifier for members of a class in TypeScript?
Does TypeScript supports function overloading?
What is Mixin Class in TypeScript?
What is the unique symbol is used for?
List a few rules of private fields in TypeScript
Explain Project References and its benefits
What is the difference between Private and Protected variables in TypeScript?
What are some use cases of template literal types in TypeScript?
What is the difference between type and interface in TypeScript?
How TypeScript is optionally statically typed language?
What is the difference between enum and const enum s?
How to add types to an interface from another interface or extend types in TypeScript?
How to choose between never , unknown , and any in TypeScript?
What is Typings in Typescript?
What does Short-Circuiting mean in TypeScript?
Explain how and why we could use property decorators in TS?
How to use external plain JavaScript libraries in TypeScript?
How can you allow classes defined in a module to be accessible outside of the module?
What are different components of TypeScript?
Why do we need to use abstract keyword for classes and their methods in TypeScript?
What is Structural Typing?
What is the fundamental difference between Optional Chaining ( ?. ) and Non-null assertion operator ( ! ) in TypeScript?
How to make a readonly tuple type in TypeScript?
How to check the type of a variable or constant in TypeScript?
What are the use cases for a const assertion?
Explain what is Cur...
Why is the infer keywor...
What is Mixin C...
What is dynamic i...
How does override keywo...
How to define a TypeScript clas...
What is the difference between...
What is the difference bet...
How to exclude property ...
Explain what is never ...
Why we need Index Sig...
What is the benefit of import as...
What are Ambients in TypeSc...
How the never data...
What is the need of --incr...
Explain when to use decla...
What does the tsco...
Explain the difference between d...
What is one thing you woul...
Is it possible to generate TypeScrip...
What are the differences between the privat...
How to make a union type from a type ali...