Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Typescript
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List the built-in types in Typescript

Câu trả lời

TypeScript, as a superset of JavaScript, enhances the language by adding static types. These types can be divided into two main categories: primitive (or built-in) types and user-defined types. Here's a comprehensive list of the built-in types in TypeScript:

Primitive Types

  1. boolean: Represents true/false values.
  2. number: Used for both whole numbers and floating-point values.
  3. string: Represents textual data.
  4. bigint: Can represent whole numbers larger than those that the number type can represent.
  5. symbol: Used to create unique identifiers.
  6. null: Represents the absence of any object value.
  7. undefined: Indicates uninitialized variables or properties.
  8. any: A type that can represent any JavaScript value. It is used to opt-in and opt-out of type-checking during compilation.
  9. void: Used for functions that do not return a value.
  10. unknown: Represents any value but requires the developer to perform type-checking before performing operations on values of this type.
  11. never: Represents types of values that never occur, such as the return type of a function that always throws an error.

Utility Types

TypeScript also includes a variety of utility types that allow for more complex type transformations and operations. Some of the key utility types include:

  1. Partial<T>: Creates a type with all properties of T set to optional.
  2. Required<T>: Makes all properties of T required.
  3. Readonly<T>: Makes all properties of T read-only.
  4. **Record<K...


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