Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Typescript
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What is dynamic i...

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A dynamic import expression in TypeScript is a feature that allows you to load JavaScript modules asynchronously and conditionally at runtime, rather than at compile time. This capability is particularly useful for reducing the initial load time of applications by splitting the code into smaller chunks and loading them only when needed.

Key Characteristics of Dynamic Import Expressions

  1. Asynchronous Loading: Dynamic imports return a promise that resolves with the module after it has been successfully fetched and evaluated. This asynchronous nature allows the rest of your application to continue running while the module loads[3][4][5].

  2. Syntax: The syntax for dynamic imports is similar to a function call: import(moduleName). Here, moduleName is a string that specifies the path to the module. Unlike static imports, the module name in a dynamic import can be dynamically specified, allowing for more flexibility[4].

  3. Integration with ECMAScript: Dynamic import expressions are part of the ECMAScript standard and have been proposed to be included in future releases of the standard. TypeScript implemented this feature from version 2.4 onwards, aligning with the ECMAScript proposal which is at stage 3 of the TC39 process[5][7].

  4. Use Cases: Dynamic imports are useful in scenarios where you might not need certain pieces of code until a particular interaction occurs in your application, such as clicking a button to load a component. They are also beneficial for applications that need to load different modules based on the environment (e.g., server-side vs. client-side) or other runtime conditions[4][5].

  5. Code Splitting: When used with bundlers like Webpack, dynamic imports c...



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