Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Typescript
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What is a TypeScript Map file?

Câu trả lời

A TypeScript Map file is a source map file that provides a crucial link between the original TypeScript source code and the JavaScript code generated by the TypeScript compiler. These files are instrumental in the development and debugging process, allowing developers and tools to understand and navigate the relationship between the TypeScript code they write and the JavaScript code that is executed.

The primary purpose of TypeScript Map files is to facilitate debugging. When TypeScript code is compiled to JavaScript, the resulting JavaScript code can be significantly different from the original TypeScript code, especially if the code is further minified or transformed by other build tools. This transformation can make debugging challenging because the code being debugged in the browser's developer tools does not match the original source code. TypeScript Map files solve this problem by providing a mapping between the original TypeScript source files and the generated JavaScript code. This mapping allows debugging tools to display the original TypeScript code instead of or alongside the transformed JavaScript code, making it much easier to debug applications directly in TypeScript.

There are two main types of .map files in TypeScript:

  1. Source Maps (.js.map): These files contain mapping definitions that link each piece of the generated JavaScript code back to the specific line and column of the corresponding TypeScript file. The mappings are stored in JSON format. When source maps are enabled, tools like Visual Studio Code and Chrome DevTools can show the TypeScript code instead of the generated JavaScript code during debugging sessions[1][3].

  2. Declaration Maps (.d.ts.map): These files, also known as declaration source maps, contain mapping definitions that link each type declaration generated in `...



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