6304 câu hỏi phỏng vấn Full-Stack, Coding & System Design Interview
Bộ lọc:
What can you say about an identifier that begins with a capital letter?
What is a class in ruby?
Which core object includes the "Kernel" module?
What is the highest level in the object model?
What is an object in ruby?
Why Ruby is known as a language of flexibility?
What are rubygems?
Is there an equivalent of “continue” in Ruby?
Is everything in Ruby an object?
What is the return value for ...
What are two uses of the splat operator?
What does it mean to coerce an object? Why would you do it?
Are class variables inherited?
What is the difference between an Instance Variable and a Class Variable?
What is the difference between private and protected methods?
Explain each of the following operators and how and when they should be used
Which of the expressions listed below will result in "false"?
Are instance methods public or private?
Why might you use Hash#fetch over Hash#[] when querying values in a hash?
Explain some differences between Ruby and Python
Why are symbols typically used as hash keys instead of strings?
What is a DSL and how does it pertain to Ruby?
Can you call a private method outside a Ruby class using its object?
Explain redo statement in Ruby
Is Ruby a statically typed or a dynamically typed language?
How might you specify a default value for a hash?
Why might you use #each instead of for/in ?
What is a module? Can you tell me the difference between classes and modules?
What is the difference between == and === ?
What is the difference between a class variable and a class instance variable?
Is Ruby a strongly typed or a weakly typed language?
There are three ways to invoke a method in ruby. Can you give me at least two?
What is duck typing and how does it pertain to Ruby?
What is a predicate in the context of Ruby method naming conventions?
How does block invocation differ from method invocation?
Why can you safely use a string as a hash key, even though a string is mutable?
Explain redo vs. retry usage
Explain this ruby idiom: a ||= b
Why might you want to avoid using string literals within loops?
When might you use the do / end syntax versus using the curly bracket syntax for a block?
Why might you want to alias a method?
What are two uses of ranges?
What is the difference between calling "super" and calling "super()"
What will val1 and val2 equal after the code below is executed? Explain your answer.
What is the difference between Array#map and Array#each ?
What is the difference between #== and #equal? ?
Which operator must be defined in order to implement the Comparable module?
What are some disadvantages of a case statement versus repeated elsif statements?
Describe a closure in Ruby
What is the difference between throw/catch and raise/rescue ?
Can you tell me the three levels of method access control for classes and modules? What do they imply about the method?
What is the difference between Kernel#require and Kernel#load ?
What is the main difference between procs and lambdas?
What is a Proc?
How is the invocation of a private method different than the invocation of a public method from within its defining class?
What is the difference between Module#remove_method and Module#undef_method ?
What is the difference between #== and #eql? ?
What does a bang ! at the end of a method signify?
What does self mean?
What is the difference between Proc invocation and lambda invocation?
What will be the value of ...
What is the difference betw...
When might you encount...
What is the primary differenc...
Is a block ...
What happens if a block is passed two a...
What is an ...
Is a method...
How exactly ...
What happens to a consta...
Why doesn't Ruby suppo...
What is the difference between BasicObject#i...
What will be the result of each...
What is the differnece betwee...