Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Ruby
Câu hỏi

What will val1 and val2 equal after the code below is executed? Explain your answer.

Câu trả lời

To provide an accurate response to the interview question regarding the values of val1 and val2 after the execution of a specific code snippet, it's essential to have the actual code snippet in question. Unfortunately, the provided search results do not include a specific code snippet that directly modifies or references variables named val1 and val2 in a context that would allow for a definitive answer to your question.

However, if you can provide the specific code snippet or further details about the operations performed on val1 and val2, I would be able to give a precise explanation of what the values of these variables would be after the code's execution. Without the actual code, any attempt to determine the values of val1 and val2 would be speculative and not based on concrete information.

[1] https://karatelabs.github.io/karate/
[2] https://www.learnbycheating.com/subjects/beginning-programming/cheatsheet
[3] https://www.codecademy...



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