Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Ruby
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How exactly ...

Câu trả lời

Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted, object-oriented programming language designed for simplicity and productivity. Its creator, Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, developed Ruby in the mid-1990s in Japan with the goal of creating a balanced and flexible language that would make programming more enjoyable for developers[1][5][9].

Key Features of Ruby


Everything in Ruby is an object, including primitive data types like integers and strings, which can have their own properties and actions (methods)[4][5]. This pure object-oriented approach simplifies understanding as the same principles apply uniformly across different types of data.

Dynamic Typing

Ruby is dynamically typed, meaning that variable types are determined at runtime and you don't need to specify the type of a variable when you declare it. This adds flexibility to the code but requires a careful approach to avoid runtime errors[9].

Blocks and Iterators

One of Ruby's most distinctive features is its use of blocks, an anonymous piece of code that can be passed to methods as an argument. Blocks are often used with iterators to perform operations on collections like arrays or hashes[5][11].


Ruby uses a single inheritance model but supplements it with mixins. A mixin is a module that can be included into classes to add functionality. This allows Ruby to avoid the complexity of multiple inheritance while still providing a powerful way to share code across classes[5].

Garbage Collection

Ruby automatically manages memory using a garbage collector, which recycles memory that is no longer in use. This feature helps prevent memory leaks and enhances performance[9].


Ruby supports metaprogramming, which involves writing code that writes code dynamically at runtime. This is facilitated by Ruby's reflective capabilities, which allow programs to examine and modify their own structure[4][5].

Execution Model

Ruby's execution is primarily through an interpreter, which means Ruby code is executed directly from the script without a prior compilation step. This makes it easier to test and modify code quickly, enhancing developer productivity[3][4].

Ruby uses a global interpreter lock (GIL), which ensures that only one thread executes Ruby code at a time. While this simplifies thread safety concerns, it can also limit the performance of multi-threaded applications[18].

Standard Libraries and Gems

Ruby comes with a rich set of built-in libraries and an extensive ecosystem of gems (...



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How does block invocation differ from method invocation?

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