Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Ruby
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What is a module? Can you tell me the difference between classes and modules?

Câu trả lời

A module, in the context of software engineering, is a self-contained component that interacts with a larger system and is designed to handle a specific task within that system. Modules can be both hardware and software entities. In software terms, a module typically refers to a single file or a collection of related files that encapsulate specific functionality or a set of functionalities, making the software easier to manage and understand. Modules promote modularity in programming, which means breaking down a program into smaller, manageable, and interchangeable components[1][2][4].

Modules are often used to group related functions, classes, or variables together in a way that manages complexity and enhances reusability and maintainability of code. For example, in Python, a module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix .py added[8]. Modules can also include runnable code as well as define variables, functions, and classes[8].

Differences Between Classes and Modules

  1. Conceptual Difference:

    • Classes are blueprints for creating objects (instances) which encapsulate data and functionalities together in a structured way. Classes support the concept of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) which includes inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
    • Modules, on the other hand, are about packaging and organizing code in a logical way. They can contain multiple classes, functions, and other data types and serve to group related code into a single, cohesive unit[2][4][6].
  2. Functional Difference:

    • Classes can be instantiated, meaning you can create multiple instances of a class, each with potentially different attributes. Classes are used to create complex data structures that have methods (functions) and attributes (data).
    • Modules cannot be instantiated. They are used primarily for organizational purposes, grouping together related functions, classes, and other data. Modules might also define constants, variables, and implementation of functions[2][4][6].
  3. Usage in Code:

    • Classes are used when you need to create multiple similar but distinct objects with their own properties and methods.
    • Modules are used when you want to organize your code and possibly share tha...


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