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What is the difference between Module#remove_method and Module#undef_method ?

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The difference between Module#remove_method and Module#undef_method in Ruby lies in their behavior towards method resolution and inheritance.

Module#remove_method is used to remove a method from a module or a class. When you call remove_method, it removes the definition of the method from the receiver, which is the class or module from which you are removing it. If the method is defined in a superclass or included module, the method from the ancestor will be called instead, as the method lookup proceeds up the inheritance chain[1].

On the other hand, Module#undef_method is used to prevent a method from being called, even if it is defined in a superclass or included module. When you call undef_method, it undefines the method in such a way that any calls to that method will result in a NoMethodError, regardless of whether the method is defined in an ancestor or not. This is because undef_method actively preve...



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