Câu hỏi phỏng vấn React Native
Câu hỏi

How is flexbox different in React Native and browser?

Câu trả lời

Flexbox in React Native and the browser share many similarities, but there are key differences that developers should be aware of:

  1. Default Flex Direction:

    • Browser: The default flexDirection is row, meaning elements are laid out horizontally by default.
    • React Native: The default flexDirection is column, meaning elements are laid out vertically by default[2][3][12].
  2. Flex Property:

    • Browser: The flex property can accept multiple values (e.g., flex: 1 1 auto), which control the flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis properties.
    • React Native: The flex property only accepts a single number, which defines how much space an element should take relative to its siblings[2][12].
  3. Display Property:

    • Browser: You need to explicitly set display: flex to enable flexbox on an element.
    • React Native: Flexbox is enabled by default on all View components, so there is no need to set display: flex[3][13].
  4. Flex Shrink:

    • Browser: The default value for flexShrink is 1, meaning elements can shrink if necessary.
    • React Native: The default value for flexShrink is 0, meaning elements will not shrink by default[3][12].
  5. Align Content:

    • Browser: The default value for alignContent is stretch.
    • React Native: The default value for alignContent is flex-start[3][12].
  6. Cross-Platform Discrepancies:

    • Browser: Flexbox behavior is generally consistent across modern browsers.
    • React Native: There can be discrepancies in how...


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