What is the difference between require(x) and ES6 import x in Node.js?
What is the difference between require(x) and ES6 import x in Node.js?
In Node.js, require(x)
and ES6 import x
are two different mechanisms for including modules into a file. Here are the key differences between them:
uses the CommonJS syntax and is a built-in function in Node.js that is used to load modules. It takes the module's path as an argument and returns the exported content of the module. require()
is synchronous, meaning it loads modules one after another, blocking the execution until the module is loaded[1].import x
uses the ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) module syntax for importing modules. It is more modern and standardized compared to require()
. import
is asynchronous and supports lazy loading, meaning it loads modules only when they are needed, which can improve performance[1].require
is non-lexical, meaning it stays where you put it in the code. It can be called at any time and place in the program[2].import
is lexical and gets hoisted to the top of the file. It cannot be called conditionally and always runs at the beginning of the file[2].require()
can be used to load both CommonJS modules and ES modules (with some limitations)[1].import
is designed to work with ES modules and requires the use of the .mjs
file extension when working with Node.js[1][2].require()
does not have explicit support for default exports. Named exports are supported via destructuring[1].import
supports both default exports and named exports directly. For example, you can use import { name } from 'module'
to import named exports[1].require()
does not support static analysis, which means tools cannot determine which parts of a module are used or unused before runtime[1].import
supports static analysis, enabling tree shaking—a process where unused code is removed during the build ...middle
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