Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Reactjs
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What's wrong with using Context in React?

Câu trả lời

Using the Context API in React provides a powerful and convenient way to share state across the entire component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. However, there are several issues and limitations associated with its use that developers should consider:

1. Performance Implications

One of the primary concerns with using Context is its impact on performance. When a value in a Context provider changes, all components that consume this context will re-render, regardless of whether the change affects them directly[2][3][6][10][11][15]. This can lead to unnecessary re-renders and performance degradation, especially in large applications with many context consumers.

2. Overuse Leads to Maintenance Challenges

Overusing Context can make the application harder to maintain. It can obscure the data flow in your application because it's not always clear where a particular piece of state is coming from or how it's being updated[3][13]. This can make debugging and testing more challenging, as the state management is spread across multiple components and layers.

3. Limited to Component Structure

The Context API is inherently tied to the React component tree, which means that the data is only available to components within this tree[8]. This can be limiting if you need to access the state outside of the component hierarchy or manage state in non-React code.

4. Scalability Issues

While Context is suitable for small to medium-sized applications, it might not be the best choice for larger applications. As applications scale and become more complex, the simplistic approach of Context might fall short in terms of manageability and performance[9][16]. In such cases, more robust solutions like Redux or other state management libraries might be more appropriate.

5. Prop Drilling Might Still Occur

In some scenarios, even with Context, you might find yourself "prop drilling" (passing data through components that do not need it) to reach deeply nested components. This usually happens when you try to avoid creating too many contexts, which can itself lead to complexity and overuse issues[12].

6. Testing Complexity

Components that use Context directly are less reusable and harder to test in isolation since they depend on the Context Provider being present in the component tree during testing[10]. This dependency can complicate unit testing and require additional setup, such as mocking the Context.

7. Misuse of Context

Using Context incorre...



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