Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Reactjs
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What is children prop ?

Câu trả lời

The children prop in React is a special property that allows components to pass elements and data between the opening and closing tags of a component. Essentially, it is used to define the content that will be rendered inside a component, making it a powerful tool for creating flexible and reusable component structures.

Understanding the children prop

The children prop is not explicitly defined as a prop in the component's function or class definition. Instead, it is automatically included in the props object that React components receive. This prop can contain any type of data, including React elements, strings, numbers, or even other components, which makes it incredibly versatile.

For example, consider a simple Card component:

jsx Copy
const Card = (props) => {
  return <div className="card">{props.children}</div>;

You can use this Card component and pass different types of children between its tags:

jsx Copy
  <p>Description text...</p>

In this example, the Card component will render a div with a class of "card" that contains an h1 and a p element. The content between the opening and closing <Card> tags is accessed via props.children inside the Card component.

Flexibility and Reusability

One of the key benefits of using the children prop is the flexibility it offers in composing components. Since the children prop can be anything, you can create generic wrapper components that add specific styles or functionality to their children without knowing in advance what the children will be.

Technical Details

In React, children is a prop ...



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