Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Arrays
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Compare Array based vs Linked List stack implementations

Câu trả lời

When comparing array-based and linked list-based stack implementations, several factors need to be considered, including time complexity, space complexity, memory usage, and ease of implementation. Here is a detailed comparison:

Array-Based Stack Implementation


  1. Time Complexity:

    • Push and Pop Operations: Both operations have an average time complexity of $$O(1)$$ due to the contiguous memory allocation, which allows direct access to elements using indices[1][6].
    • Access Time: Arrays provide constant time $$O(1)$$ access to elements, which is beneficial if random access is needed[3][9].
  2. Memory Usage:

    • Memory Efficiency: Arrays are more memory-efficient for a fixed number of elements because they do not require extra memory for pointers[2][9].
    • Cache Performance: Arrays benefit from better cache locality since elements are stored in contiguous memory locations, leading to faster access times[9][17].
  3. Implementation Simplicity:

    • Ease of Use: Implementing a stack using arrays is straightforward and less prone to errors such as memory leaks or pointer mismanagement[3][6].


  1. Fixed Size:

    • Static Size: Arrays require a predefined size. If the stack grows beyond this size, resizing the array is necessary, which is a costly operation in terms of time and space[1][3][6].
  2. Memory Wastage:

    • Unused Space: If the allocated array size is much larger than the number of elements, it leads to memory wastage[1][2][3].

Linked List-Based Stack Implementation


  1. Dynamic Size:

    • Flexible Size: Linked lists can grow and shrink dynamically, making them suitable for situations where the number of elements is not known in advance[1][2][3][6].
  2. Efficient Insertions and Deletions:

    • Push and Pop Operations: Both operations have a constant time complexity of $$O(1)$$ since they only involve updating pointers[2][3][6].
  3. Memory Utilization:

    • No Wasted Space: Memory is allocated only when needed, which avoids the problem of unused allocated space[1][2][3].


  1. Time Complexity:

    • Access Time: Linked lists do not support random access. To access an element, one must traverse the list from the head, resulting in $$O(n)$$ time complexity[2][3][6].
  2. Memory Usage:

    • Extra Memory for Pointers: Each node in a linked list requires additional memory for storing pointers, which increases the overall memory usage compared to arrays[2][3][6].
  3. Implementation Complexity:

    • Complexity: Implementing a stack using linked lists is more complex and prone to errors such as memory leaks and pointer mismanagement[3][6].


The choice between an array-based and a linked list-based stack implementation depends on the specific requirements o...



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