Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Arrays
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What is the advantage of Heaps over Sorted Arrays?

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Advantages of Heaps over Sorted Arrays

When comparing heaps and sorted arrays, particularly in the context of implementing priority queues, several key advantages of heaps emerge:

1. Insertion Efficiency

  • Heaps: Inserting an element into a heap has a time complexity of $$O(\log n)$$. This is because the heap property (either max-heap or min-heap) is maintained by performing a series of swaps up the tree, which is logarithmic in nature due to the tree's height being $$\log n$$ for $$n$$ elements[1][2][3].
  • Sorted Arrays: Inserting an element into a sorted array requires finding the correct position (which can be done in $$O(\log n)$$ using binary search) and then shifting all subsequent elements to make space for the new element. This shifting operation has a time complexity of $$O(n)$$ in the worst case, making the overall insertion time $$O(n)$$[1][2][4].

2. Deletion Efficiency

  • Heaps: Deleting the root element (the maximum in a max-heap or the minimum in a min-heap) also has a time complexity of $$O(\log n)$$. This involves replacing the root with the last element and then performing a series of swaps down the tree to restore the heap property[2][3][4].
  • Sorted Arrays: Deleting an element from a sorted array requires shifting all subsequent elements to fill the gap, which has a time complexity of $$O(n)$$[2][4].

3. Access to Extremes

  • Heaps: Accessing the maximum or minimum element in a heap is very efficient, with a time complexity of $$O(1)$$ since the root of the heap always contains the extreme value[2][3][4].
  • Sorted Arrays: Accessing the minimum or maximum element in a sorted array is also $$O(1)$$ since these elements are at the ends of the array. However, heaps still have an advantage in dynamic scenarios where frequent insertions and deletions are required[2][4].

4. Dynamic Operations

  • Heaps: Heaps are particularly well-suited for dynamic operations where elements are frequently inserted and deleted. The logarithmic time complexity for these operations ensures that heaps remain efficient even as the number of elements grows[2][3][4].
  • Sorted Arrays: Sorted arrays are less efficient for dynamic operations due to the linear time complexity for insertions and deletions. This makes them less suitable for applications where the data set is frequently changing[1][2][4].

5. Space Efficiency

  • Heaps: Heaps can be efficiently implemented using arrays, whic...


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