Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Arrays
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How would you compare Dynamic Array...

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When comparing dynamic arrays with linked lists, it's essential to consider various factors such as memory usage, access time, insertion and deletion operations, and overall flexibility. Here is a detailed comparison:

Memory Usage

  • Dynamic Arrays: Dynamic arrays allocate memory in contiguous blocks. This can lead to memory wastage if the allocated size is not fully utilized. However, they are generally more memory-efficient than linked lists because they do not require extra memory for pointers[1][3][7].
  • Linked Lists: Linked lists use more memory due to the additional storage required for pointers (or references) in each node. This overhead can be significant, especially for large lists[3][4][7].

Access Time

  • Dynamic Arrays: Accessing elements in a dynamic array is very fast and efficient, with a time complexity of $$O(1)$$ for random access. This is because elements are stored in contiguous memory locations, allowing direct indexing[1][5][8].
  • Linked Lists: Accessing elements in a linked list is slower, with a time complexity of $$O(n)$$ for random access. This is because elements are not stored contiguously, and you must traverse the list from the head to reach a specific element[3][4][8].

Insertion and Deletion

  • Dynamic Arrays: Inserting or deleting elements at the end of a dynamic array is efficient, with a time complexity of $$O(1)$$. However, inserting or deleting elements in the middle or beginning of the array is costly, with a time complexity of $$O(n)$$, as it requires shifting elements[1][5][8].
  • Linked Lists: Insertion and deletion operations are generally more efficient in linked lists, with a time complexity of $$O(1)$$ for operations at the beginning or end of the list. Inserting or deleting elements in the middle of the list also tends to be more efficient than in arrays, as it only involves updating pointers[3][4][8].


  • Dynamic Arrays: Dynamic arrays are less flexible in terms of size. Although they can grow or shrink dynamically, resizing operations can be costly and may involve copying the entire array to a new memory location[1][5][10].
  • Linked Lists: Linked lists are highly flexible and can easily grow or shrink in size without the need for resizing operations. This makes them suitable for applications where the size of the data structure is not known in advance or changes frequently[3][4][8].

Cache Performance

  • Dynamic Arrays: Arrays have better cache locality because their elements are stored in contiguous memory locations. This means that accessing elements sequentially is faster due to f...


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