Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Trees
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Explain a B-Tree data s...

Câu trả lời

Here is an explanation of B-Trees for a 5 year old:

Imagine you have a bunch of books on a shelf. Each book has a number on the cover. The books are arranged so that the numbers go from smallest to biggest as you go from left to right on the shelf.

Now let's say you want to find a book with a certain number on it. You could look at each book one by one until you find the right number. But that would take a long time if there are a lot of books!

Instead, you can use a special way to organize the books called a B-Tree. Here's how it works:

  1. At the very top, there is one book that has the smallest number on the left side and the biggest number on the right side. This book is like the parent of all the other books.

  2. Under that top book, there are more books arranged the same way - with the smallest numbers on the left and biggest on the right. These books are like the children of the top book.

  3. This pattern continues, with each book having its own children books underneath it. The children are always arranged from smallest to biggest number.

  4. When you want to find a certain number, you start at the top book. You l...



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