Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Trees
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What are the differences be...

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The main differences between B trees and B+ trees are:

  1. In B trees, data pointers are stored in both internal and leaf nodes, while in B+ trees, data pointers are only stored in leaf nodes[1][3][4]. This allows B+ trees to have a higher fanout (more children per node) in the internal nodes, reducing the tree height and improving search performance.

  2. B+ trees maintain a doubly-linked list of leaf nodes, enabling efficient sequential access and range queries[1][3][4]. In contrast, B trees do not have this linked list structure.

  3. Duplicate keys are allowed in B+ trees, but not in B trees[1][3][4]. The duplicate keys are stored only in the leaf nodes of a B+ tree.

  4. Insertion and deletion operations are simpler and more efficient in B+ trees compared to B trees[1][3][4]. In B trees, changes can propagate up the tree, ...



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