Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Searching
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Explain some Linear Search optimization techniques

Câu trả lời

Here are some techniques to optimize linear search:

  1. Transposition: If the target element is found, swap it with the element before it in the array. This increases the search count for that element and optimizes future searches by moving it closer to the front of the array[4].

  2. Move-to-Front: Similar to transposition, if the target element is found, move it to the front of the array. This also increases the search count for that element and optimizes future searches[4].

  3. Sentinel Linear Search: Add a copy of the target element at the end of the array as a sentinel. This avides the need to check if the element was found or if the end of the array was reached, improving performance[4].

  4. Hashing: Build a hash table that maps each element to its position in the array. Search for the target element in the hash table, which takes constant time on average. The downside is the extra space required for the hash table[4].

  5. Parallel Search: Split the array into multiple parts and search each part simultaneously using multiple threads or processors. This can significantly speed up the search on multi-core systems[4].

  6. **Interpolation Se...



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