Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Graph Theory
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When deciding whether to use Breadth-First Search (BFS) or Depth-First Search (DFS) for a graph traversal problem, several factors should be considered. Here are the key points to help determine which algorithm to use:

1. Nature of the Problem

  • Shortest Path: If the goal is to find the shortest path in an unweighted graph, BFS is generally preferred because it explores all nodes at the present depth level before moving on to nodes at the next depth level. This ensures that the first time a node is reached, it is via the shortest path[1][3][4][6].
  • Path Existence: If the goal is simply to determine if a path exists between two nodes, either BFS or DFS can be used. However, DFS might be more suitable if the graph is very deep and solutions are sparse[2][4][6].

2. Graph Characteristics

  • Graph Depth and Breadth:
    • Deep Graphs: If the graph is very deep (i.e., has long paths), DFS might be more efficient as it can go deep into the graph without needing to store all nodes at each level, which can save memory[2][4][6].
    • Wide Graphs: If the graph is very wide (i.e., has many branches at each level), BFS might become impractical due to its high memory usage, as it needs to store all nodes at the current level[2][4][6].

3. Memory Constraints

  • Memory Usage: BFS can be memory-intensive because it needs to store all nodes at the current level in a queue. DFS, on the other hand, uses a stack and generally requires less memory, especially if implemented recursively[6][8][10].

4. Completeness and Optimality

  • Completeness: BFS is complete, meaning it will find a solution if one exists. DFS is not guaranteed to find a solution if the graph contains cycles, as it might get stuck in an infinite loop[6][8][10].
  • Optimality: BFS guarantees finding the shortest path in an unweighted graph, while DFS does not guarantee the shortest path and might find a longer path first[6][8][10].

5. Specific Use Cases

  • Decision Trees: DFS is often more suitable for decision trees, such as those used in puzzle games, because it allows for deeper exploration of each decision path before backtracking[1][8].
  • Game States and Puzzles: BFS is useful for exploring game states or puzzles with a fixed depth, as it ensures all possible moves at each l...


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