Câu hỏi phỏng vấn CDN
Câu hỏi

How does CDN ...

Câu trả lời

CDN caching works by storing copies of web content on a network of geographically distributed servers, known as edge servers or cache servers. This process allows content to be delivered more quickly to users by reducing the distance data must travel from the origin server to the end user. Here’s a detailed explanation of how CDN caching operates:

How CDN Caching Works

  1. Content Distribution:

    • Origin Servers: These servers store the original versions of the content. When content is updated, changes are made on these servers[3].
    • Edge Servers: These are strategically located around the globe and cache copies of the content from the origin servers. When a user requests content, they are directed to the nearest edge server, which delivers the cached content[3][5].
  2. Caching Process:

    • When a user requests a file, the CDN checks if the file is available in the cache on the edge server.
    • If the file is found in the cache (a cache hit), it is delivered immediately to the user, reducing load times and bandwidth usage[7].
    • If the file is not in the cache (a cache miss), the CDN retrieves it from the origin server, caches it on the edge server, and then delivers it to the user[7].
  3. Cache Management:

    • Purge Cache: This feature allows the cache to be refreshed on demand, ensuring that outdated content is replaced with the latest version[1].
    • Always/Never Cache: This option lets administrators specify which files should always be cached or never be cached, providing fine-grained control over the caching process[1].
    • Cache for Period: This setting allows administrators to define how long a file should be cached before it is refreshed, optimizing cache effic...


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