Câu hỏi phỏng vấn CDN
Câu hỏi

What Is Cache Busting?

Câu trả lời

Cache busting is a technique used by web developers to ensure that users receive the most recent version of a website or application by forcing the browser to download new files instead of using outdated ones. This is particularly important when updates or changes are made to a site's content, design, or functionality, as it guarantees that users will experience the latest version without any hiccups[1][2].

How Cache Busting Works

The process of cache busting typically involves adding a unique identifier, such as a version number or a timestamp, to the file names or URLs of resources like CSS, JavaScript, or images. This identifier changes whenever the resource is updated, causing the browser to recognize it as a new file and download it rather than relying on the cached version[1][2]. Common methods include:

  • Versioning in file names: e.g., index.v1.js, index.v2.css.
  • Query strings: e.g., index.js?v=1, index.css?v=2.
  • Hashes in file names: e.g., index.[someHashHere].js[2][6].

Importance of Cache Busting

Cache busting is crucial for several reasons:

  • Ensuring up-to-date content: It forces browsers to download the latest versions of files, ensuring users always see the most recent content and design updates[1].
  • Preventing compatibility issues: As websites and applications evolve, old cached files may cause conflicts with new features or functionality. Cache busting helps prevent these issues by keeping the cached files current[1].
  • Improving performance: By managing the cache effectively, cache busting can help reduce the load on servers and improve the overall performance of a website or application[1].
  • Streamlining development: Developers can confidently update a site or application without worrying about users encountering issues due to outdated cached files[1].

Using Cache Busting with a CDN

When incorporating cache busting techniques with a Content Delivery Network (CDN), developers can ensure that users receive the most up-to-date content while benefiting from the performance improvements the CDN offers. This involves configuring the CDN to ...



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