Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Flutter
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How many types of widgets are there in Flutter?

Câu trả lời

There are two main types of widgets in Flutter:

  1. Stateless Widgets: These are widgets that do not have any state information. They remain static throughout their lifecycle. Examples include Text, Row, Column, and Container widgets[1][2][3].

  2. Stateful Widgets: These are widgets that have state information. They can change their appearance in response to user interactions or data changes. Examples include Buttons, Sliders, and TextFields[1][2][3].

While these are the two broad categories, Flutter widgets can also be classified into 14 categories based on their functionality[4]:

  • Accessibility
  • Animation and Motion
  • Assets, Images, and Icons
  • Async
  • Basics
  • Cupertino...


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