What does a class with a method ...
What does a class with a method ...
In Dart, a class with a method named ._()
is typically used to create a singleton class. A singleton is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. Here's how it works:
class AppTheme {
AppTheme._(); // Private constructor
static const Color notWhite = Color(0xFFEDF0F2);
static const Color nearlyWhite = Color(0xFFFEFEFE);
// ...
The class has a private constructor named ._()
. The leading underscore _
makes the constructor private, meaning it can only be accessed within the same library[1].
The private constructor prevents the class from being instantiated directly using the new
keyword or a constructor call[1][2].
The class usually has static members, such as constants or methods, that can be accessed without creating an instance of the class[1].
To get an instance of the singleton class, you typically provide a static method that returns...
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