Câu hỏi phỏng vấn DevOps
Câu hỏi

How would you deploy software to 5000 nodes?

Câu trả lời

Here is how I would approach deploying software to 5000 nodes as a DevOps engineer:


  • Ensure the software is thoroughly tested and packaged for easy deployment
  • Provision enough infrastructure to handle the deployment, including load balancers, caching, and monitoring
  • Automate as much of the process as possible using configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet or Chef

Deployment Strategy

  1. Canary Deployment
  • Deploy the new software to a small subset of nodes first (e.g. 1-5%) to test in production
  • Monitor for any issues or errors
  • If successful, proceed to rolling deployment
  1. Rolling Deployment
  • Upgrade nodes in batches (e.g. 10-20% at a time)
  • Use load balancers to route traffic away from nodes being upgraded
  • Verify each batch is healthy before proceeding to the next
  1. Blue-Green Deployment
  • Have...


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