Câu hỏi phỏng vấn DevOps
Câu hỏi

Which are the top DevOps tools? Which tools have you worked on?

Câu trả lời

The most popular DevOps tools include:

  • Version control: Git, SVN, Mercurial, CVS
  • Continuous integration: Jenkins, Bamboo, Hudson
  • Continuous delivery: Nexus, Archiva, Tomcat
  • Continuous deployment: Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Docker
  • Continuous monitoring: Splunk, ELK Stack, Nagios
  • Continuous testing: Selenium, Katalon Platform[3][5]

In terms of my experience, I have worked extensively with:

  • Git for version control. I have used Git for managing source code, tracking changes, and collaborating with other developers on projects[3].

  • Jenkins for continuous integration. I have set up Jenkins pipelines to automatically build, test and deploy applications. I have integrated Jenkins with other tools like Git, Maven, and Ansible to create end-to-end CI/CD workflows[1][3].

  • Docker for containerization. I have built Docker images, created containers, and orchestrated multi-container applications using Docker Compose. I have also integrated Docker with CI/CD pipelines to enable automated deployments ...



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