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Why Continuous Integration is important for Agile?

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Continuous Integration (CI) and Agile

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run. CI is an essential practice in Agile software development because it helps teams deliver software faster and more reliably.

Importance of CI in Agile

  1. Frequent Integration: In Agile, developers work in short iterations and frequently integrate their code changes. CI ensures that these frequent integrations are smooth and that the entire system remains stable.

  2. Early Bug Detection: CI allows for early detection of bugs and issues by running automated tests as soon as code is committed. This helps teams fix problems quickly and reduces the cost of fixing bugs later in the development cycle.

  3. Faster Feedback: CI provides faster feedback to developers on the quality and functionality of their code. This allows them to make necessary adjustments and improvements quickly, keeping the project on track.

  4. Reduced Integration Conflicts: By regularly merging code changes, CI helps reduce ...



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