Câu hỏi phỏng vấn DevOps
Câu hỏi

How would you make key aspects of a software system traceable?

Câu trả lời

Here is how I would answer that DevOps interview question about making key aspects of a software system traceable:

To make key aspects of a software system traceable, I would implement the following practices:

Version Control

  • Use a version control system like Git to track all changes to the codebase over time
  • Require developers to commit code with descriptive commit messages that explain what was changed
  • Maintain a single source of truth for the codebase in a central repository

Logging and Monitoring

  • Implement robust logging throughout the application to capture important events, errors, and metrics
  • Use a centralized logging solution to aggregate logs from all components and environments
  • Set up monitoring to alert on key metrics and potential issues
  • Correlate logs with monitoring data to provide full visibility into system behavior

Traceability Metadata

  • Include traceability metadata in logs, metrics, and other artifacts to link them back to the originating code, build, deployment, etc.
  • Examples of traceability metadata:
    • Git commit hash
    • Build number
    • Environment name
    • Deployment timestamp


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