Câu hỏi phỏng vấn DevOps
Câu hỏi

If something breaks in production, how do you know about it?

Câu trả lời

Here is how I would answer that DevOps interview question:

Monitoring and Alerting

The first line of defense is having robust monitoring and alerting systems in place. This includes:

  • Monitoring key metrics and KPIs for the application and infrastructure
  • Setting up alerts to notify the team when thresholds are breached or anomalies detected
  • Integrating monitoring with incident management tools to create tickets and route alerts

Logging and Tracing

Comprehensive logging and tracing is critical for understanding what's happening in production. Key aspects include:

  • Structured logging with relevant context
  • Centralized log aggregation and search
  • Distributed tracing to track requests across services
  • Ability to quickly search and analyze logs to identify issues

Incident Response Playbooks

Having well-documented incident response playbooks helps the team quickly diagnose and resolve issues. Playbooks should cover:

  • Runbooks for common failure scenarios
  • Escalation paths and on-call rotations
  • Steps to re...


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