Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
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How would you support different screen sizes?

Câu trả lời

Here is how I would answer the Android interview question "How would you support different screen sizes?":

Supporting Different Screen Sizes in Android

To support different screen sizes in Android, you can use the following techniques:

1. Use Density-Independent Pixels (dp)

  • Use density-independent pixels (dp) instead of pixels (px) for dimensions in your layouts
  • This ensures your UI elements scale appropriately for different screen densities
  • 1 dp equals 1 pixel on a 160 dpi screen, but scales accordingly on higher or lower density screens

2. Create Alternative Layout Resources

  • Create alternative layout resources for different screen sizes using the "sw" (smallest width) qualifier
  • For example, create layouts for small screens (sw320dp), normal screens (sw480dp), large screens (sw600dp), and extra-large screens (sw720dp)
  • The system will automatically load the appropriate layout based on the device's screen size

3. Use Flexible Layouts

  • Use flexible layout types like RelativeLayout, LinearLayout, and ConstraintLayout
  • These layouts ...


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