Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
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What is the difference between Adapter and Loader in Android?

Câu trả lời

The main difference between Adapters and Loaders in Android is:

  • Adapters are used to bind data to a view, such as a ListView or RecyclerView. They act as an intermediary between the data source and the view, providing a way to efficiently display large datasets. Adapters are responsible for creating and populating the individual views that make up the list or grid[1].

  • Loaders, on the other hand, are used to asynchronously load data in the background, typically from a ContentProvider or other data source. They provide a way to load data without blocking the main UI thread. Loaders automatically manage the loading and caching of data, and can efficiently reload data when the data source changes[1].

In summary:

  • Adapters bind...


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