Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Dynamic Programming
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Is Dijkstra's algorithm a Greedy...

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Dijkstra's algorithm is primarily considered a greedy algorithm, although it has connections to dynamic programming principles.

Greedy Algorithm Perspective

Dijkstra's algorithm is often classified as a greedy algorithm because it makes a series of locally optimal choices with the hope of finding a global optimum. Specifically, at each step, the algorithm selects the vertex with the minimum distance from the source that has not yet been processed. This selection process is repeated until all vertices have been processed, ensuring that the shortest path from the source to each vertex is found. The key characteristics of a greedy algorithm, such as making the best immediate choice without reconsidering previous steps, are evident in Dijkstra's algorithm[2][4][5][7].

Dynamic Programming Perspective

Despite its greedy nature, Dijkstra's algorithm also exhibits properties of dynamic programming. It is inspired by Bellman's Principle of Optimality, which states that an optimal solution to a problem contains optimal solutions to its subproblems. Dijkstra's algorithm maintains and updates the shortest path estimates iteratively, which aligns with the dynamic program...



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