Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Dynamic Programming
Câu hỏi

What are some pros and cons of Tabulation or Bottom-Up approach?

Câu trả lời

The Tabulation or Bottom-Up approach in dynamic programming has several pros and cons:


  1. Space Optimization: The bottom-up approach can be optimized to use less space by only storing necessary states, which can significantly reduce memory usage in some cases[1][2].
  2. No Recursion Overhead: Since the bottom-up approach is iterative, it avoids the overhead associated with recursive function calls, such as stack overflow issues and the additional memory required for maintaining the call stack[1][3][4].
  3. Predictable Time and Space Complexity: It is easier to reason about the time and space complexity of the bottom-up approach because it involves straightforward iteration and table filling, making it more predictable and often easier to analyze[1][7].
  4. Performance: The tight loops used in the bottom-up approach often perform better at the CPU level compared to the recursive calls in the top-down approach, leading to better runtime performance[7].


  1. All States Must Be Computed: The bottom-up approach requires computing all subproblems, even if some of them are not needed for the final solution. This can lead to unnecessary computations and potentially higher time complexity in some cases[1][7].
  2. Implementation Complexity: The bottom-up approach can be more difficult to implement, especially for problems where the order of solving subproblems is not straightforward. It requires careful planning and understanding of the dependencies between subproblems[1][4][6].
  3. Memory Usage: Although it can be optimized, the bottom-up approach generally requires preallocating a table or array to store the results of all subproblems, which can be memory-intensive for large problems[2][4].

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