Câu hỏi phỏng vấn CSS
Câu hỏi

List out the data types that Sass supports

Câu trả lời

Sass supports seven primary data types:

  1. Numbers: These include integers and decimal numbers, which may or may not have units (e.g., 10, 20px, 30%)[3][4][5].
  2. Strings: Sequences of characters that can be with or without quotes (e.g., "hello", 'world', sans-serif)[3][4][5].
  3. Colors: Color values can be defined by name, hexadecimal code, or functional notations like rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), and hsla() (e.g., red, #ff0000, rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5))[3][4][5].
  4. Booleans: Logical values that can be either true or false[3][4][5].
  5. Null: A special value that represents the absence of any value[3][4][5].
  6. Lists: A flat data structure that can hold values separated by spaces or commas, which can be enclosed in square brackets or not at all (e.g., 1.5em 1em 0 2em, ...


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