Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Data Structures
Câu hỏi

Name some characteristics of Array Data Structure

Câu trả lời

Characteristics of Array Data Structure

Arrays are a fundamental data structure in computer programming, and they have several key characteristics that make them a versatile and widely-used data structure. Here are some of the main characteristics of array data structures:

1. Fixed Size

Arrays have a fixed size, meaning that the number of elements they can hold is determined when the array is created. This size cannot be changed dynamically during runtime, unless you create a new array with a different size.

2. Contiguous Memory Allocation

Arrays store their elements in contiguous memory locations, which means that the elements are stored one after the other in memory. This allows for efficient access to individual elements, as the memory address of an element can be calculated based on its index and the size of the data type.

3. Random Access

Arrays support random access, which means that you can access any element in the array directly by its index. This is because the memory address of an element can be calculated based on its index and the size of the data type.

4. Homogeneous Data Type




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