Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Data Structures
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What is Trie?

Câu trả lời

A Trie, also known as a prefix tree or digital tree, is a specialized tree-like data structure that facilitates the storage and retrieval of keys in a dataset of strings. Unlike other tree data structures, such as binary search trees, a Trie organizes its data in a way that the position of a node within the tree defines the key associated with that node, rather than storing the key explicitly within the nodes[1][11].

Key Characteristics of a Trie

  • Prefix-Based: Each node in a Trie represents a common prefix shared by some keys. The root node typically represents an empty string, and each path from the root to a particular node represents a prefix of keys stored in the Trie[1][11].

  • Edge Labels: Each edge in a Trie is labeled with a character. As you traverse from the root towards the leaves, the characters along the path form a string that is stored in the Trie[1][11].

  • Node Structure: Each node may contain several children, often organized in an array or a hash table, where each child corresponds to one of the possible characters of the alphabet used in the keys[1][11].

Advantages of Using a Trie

  1. Efficient Search Operations: Searching for a key of length $$ m $$ can be done in $$ O(m) $$ time, which is highly efficient, especially when dealing with large datasets[1][11].

  2. Prefix Matching: Tries are particularly useful for operations that require prefix matching, such as auto-completion and spell-checking, because they allow for quick retrieval of all keys that share a common prefix[1][11].

  3. Space Efficiency: While the naive implementation of a Trie can be space-intensive, optimized versions like compressed Tries or radix trees significantly reduce space requirements by collapsing chains of single-child nodes[1][11].

Applications of Trie

  • Autocomplete Systems: Tries are ideal for implementing autocomplete systems where the user input needs to be matched with possible completions based ...


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