Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Xamarin
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Name some types of keys d...

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In a Xamarin.iOS application, the Info.plist file contains various key/value pairs that define the app's configuration and behavior. Here are some types of keys that can be defined in Info.plist files:

  1. Core Foundation Keys: These keys use the prefix 'CF' to distinguish them from other keys. Examples include:

    • CFBundleDisplayName: The display name of the app.
    • CFBundleIdentifier: The unique identifier for the app.
    • CFBundleVersion: The version of the app.
  2. Security and Privacy Keys: These keys are used to request permission to access sensitive user data or device features. Examples include:

    • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription: Describes why the app needs access to the user's location while the app is in use.
    • NSCameraUsageDescription: Describes why the app needs access to the camera.
    • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription: Describes why the app needs access to the photo library.
    • NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription: Describes why the app needs access to Bluetooth peripherals.
  3. User Interface Keys: These keys configure aspects of the app's user interface. Examples include:

    • UILaunchStoryboardName: Specifies the storyboard to use for the app's launch screen.
    • UIBackgroundModes: Specifies the background modes the app supports, such as audio playback or location updates.
  4. App Execution Keys: These keys control the app's launch, execution, and termination behavior. Examples include:

    • UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend: Indicates whether the app should terminate when it is suspended.
  5. Data and Storage Keys: These keys configure the app's data management capabilities. Examples include:

    • UIFileSharingEnabled: Allows the app to share files through iTunes.
  6. App Services Keys: These keys configure the services that the app provides. Examples include:

    • NSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace: Indicates whether the app supports opening documents in place.
  7. Kernel and Drivers Keys: These keys configure device drivers pro...



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