Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Xamarin
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What is Selector...

Câu trả lời

In Xamarin.iOS, a Selector is a class that represents an Objective-C selector in managed code. It is part of the ObjCRuntime namespace and is used to interact with Objective-C methods from C# code. The Selector class allows developers to create and manage selectors, which are essentially pointers to method names in Objective-C.

Key Features of the Selector Class:

  1. Creation:

    • Selector(IntPtr): Creates a selector from an unmanaged pointer to the Objective-C selector.
    • Selector(String): Creates a new selector and registers it with the Objective-C runtime.
  2. Properties:

    • Handle: A pointer to the unmanaged selector representation.
    • Name: The name of the selector.
  3. Methods:

    • Equals(Object): Compares two objects for equality.
    • Equals(Selector): Compares two selectors for equality.
    • FromHandle(IntPtr): Creates a managed selector wrapper based on the native handle.
    • GetHandle(String): Returns the handle to the specified Objective-C selector.
    • GetHashCode(): Returns the selector's hash code.
    • Register(IntPtr): Creates a new selector instance for the specified Objective-C selector.
  4. Operators:

    • Equality(Selector, Selector): Determines if two selector objects are equal by comparing their native handles.
    • Inequality(Selector, Selector): Determines if two selector objects are different by comparing their native handles.

Usage Example:

In Xamarin.iOS, you can use the Selector class to bind actions to UI elements, such as a UIButton. For instance, you can create a selector for a button click event and bind it to a method in your C# code.

using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;

public class MyViewController : UIViewController
    UIButton myButton;

    public override void ViewDidLoad()

        myButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.System);
        myButton.SetTitle("Click Me", UIControlS...


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