Câu hỏi phỏng vấn API Design
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WebSockets vs Rest API for real time data? Which to choose?

Câu trả lời

When deciding between WebSockets and REST APIs for real-time data, it's essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each technology and how they align with your application's requirements.



  1. Bidirectional Communication: WebSockets support full-duplex communication, allowing both the client and server to send and receive data simultaneously over a single TCP connection[1][2][4].
  2. Low Latency: WebSockets provide lower latency compared to HTTP-based communication methods like long polling, as they maintain a persistent connection, reducing the overhead of establishing new connections[4][16].
  3. Efficient Data Transmission: WebSockets have minimal data transmission overhead, using only 2 bytes for small frames, compared to the 2000-byte overhead of HTTP[1][2].
  4. Real-Time Updates: Ideal for applications requiring real-time updates, such as chat applications, live notifications, and online gaming[9][16].
  5. Event-Driven: WebSockets push data as soon as it becomes available, which is beneficial for scenarios where the client needs to react quickly to events[4].


  1. Complexity: WebSockets are more complex to design and implement than REST APIs, requiring additional programming skills and knowledge[8][11].
  2. Stateful Nature: WebSockets are stateful, which can complicate scaling and managing connections across multiple servers[4][16].
  3. Security Concerns: WebSockets can be vulnerable to security threats if not properly secured, requiring robust encryption and authentication mechanisms[8][16].
  4. Compatibility Issues: Not all browsers and network environments support WebSockets, necessitating fallback mechanisms for older browsers or restrictive networks[4][16].



  1. Simplicity: REST APIs are relatively simple to design and implement, making them a popular choice for building web services[8][12].
  2. Statelessness: Each request in a REST API is independent, which simplifies scaling and distributing the application[8][12].
  3. Caching: REST APIs can leverage caching to improve performance and reduce server load[8][12].
  4. Flexibility: REST APIs can handle various data formats (e.g., JSON, XML) and are highly interoperable across different platforms and devices[3][12].
  5. Security: REST APIs typically use standard HTTP security mechanisms, such as OAuth, to ensure secure data transmission[3][12].


  1. Higher Latency: REST APIs involve more overhead due to the need to establish a new connection for each request, which can result in higher latency compared to WebSockets[8][12].
  2. Limited Real-Time Support: REST APIs are not well-sui...


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