Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Kotlin
Câu hỏi

What are some disadvantages of Kotlin?

Câu trả lời

Here are some key disadvantages of Kotlin for Android app development:

  1. Slower compilation speed: While Kotlin is faster than Java for incremental builds, Java is faster for clean builds[1][3].

  2. Fewer Kotlin developers available: Since Kotlin is a relatively new language, there are fewer Kotlin developers compared to Java developers, making it harder to find talent[1][3][4].

  3. Less learning resources: Kotlin has fewer learning resources and a smaller community compared to Java, which can make it more challenging for developers to learn and master the language[3][4].

  4. Kotlin is Java-interoperable but not Java itself: Although Kotlin is similar to Java and interoperable with it, the two languages have several differences. Transitioning to Kotlin can take time and require training, especially for developers new to the language[3][5].

  5. Kotlin is still based on Java's features: Since Kotlin compil...



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